Harnessing the Power of the Ocean
A Unique Opportunity for Users of the Oceans
Virginia Beach Convention Center

We note with much regret the passing of Admiral James D. Watkins on 26 July 2012. ADM Watkins served our Nation with distinction for more than half a century.  (See ADM Watkins tab both for a description and for a video slideshow of some of his many contributions.)

ADM Watkins was a true visionary and leader, an individual who demonstrated a lifelong commitment to the oceans, and who more than earned the honor and respect of the entire ocean community.  His chairmanship of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy under President George W. Bush and his formation of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative in partnership with the leadership of the Pew Oceans Commission moved our nation towards a formal ocean policy that is just now coming into fruition under President Obama’s 2010 Executive Order 13547, Stewardship of the Ocean, our Coasts, and the Great Lakes.

OCEANS12 is dedicated to furthering the goals and challenges that ADM Watkins laid out. He will always be an inspiration to all of us concerned about our Blue Planet.

OCEANS 2012 Hampton Roads brings together the technology, people, and ideas that will help to expand the understanding of the earth’s largest natural resource. Hampton Roads maritime heritage combined with its strategic location near key decision makers from the U.S. Government make this venue a perfect opportunity to address the challenges facing the world’s users of the ocean.

OCEANS 2012’s theme, Harnessing the Power of the Ocean, has as its foundation the conceptual National Ocean Enterprise that originates from ADM Watkins’ vision, and identifies seven societal benefits:

  • Improving predictions of climate change and weather, their effects on coastal communities and the nation
  • Improving the safety and efficiency of marine operations
  •  Mitigating the effects of natural hazards
  • Improving national and homeland security
  • Reducing public health risks
  • Protecting and restoring healthy coastal marine ecosystems
  • Enabling the sustained use of marine resources

This conference will focus on technical excellence with:

  • More than 12 supporting simultaneous technical tracks
  • Keynote executive speakers from Government, academia, and industry
  • Interdisciplinary town halls to address key issues from the National Ocean Policy
  • Discover and evaluate products and services from hundreds of vendors

Plenary Keynote Speakers:  08:00 – 10:30 am Tuesday Morning

  • Mayor William D. Sessoms Jr., Virginia Beach
  • US Congressman Scott Rigell, 2nd Congressional District of Virginia
  • Margaret Davidson, Acting Director NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Mngt. 
  • Dr Kathryn D. Sullivan, Asst. Sec. of Commerce for Environmental Observation & Prediction
  • RADM Guadagnini, Deputy CDR Fleet Management and Chief of Staff U.S. Fleet Forces Cmd.
  • RADM Jon White, Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy
The plenary session, exhibit hall, and workshops are free and open to the public. However, we request that you register in advance. 
(See agenda for dates and times.)    

The OCEANS Conference series, jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of IEEE (IEEE/OES), is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in oceanic engineering and marine technology.


To see a short video on what is an Oceans Conference go to: http://www.oceanicengineering.org/page.cfm/cat/1/Events/

WHRO interview with our Conference Chairman Ray Toll discussing Oceans 2012



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