Local Area Information

  • International Calling Code for United States:  001

  • Area Code for Virginia: 757

  • Local Currency:  US Dollar

  • Language:  English

  • Weather in October:  Average high temperatures are 70F / 21 C  with low temperatures of 55F / 13C. This is generally one of the most pleasant times of the year in coastal Virginia.

  • Time Zone:  Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) GMT minus 4 hours.


Hampton Roads is a nautical term meaning a place less sheltered than a harbor, where ships may ride at anchor. It is used to refer to the area linking the James, Elizabeth and Nansemond Rivers with the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean.


Hampton Roads, a short 3 ½ hour drive from Washington DC, is the largest population center in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and comprised of the following;  


Cities: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News,  Portsmouth, and Suffolk. 

Counties: Isle of Wight, James City, Surry, and York. 

Today, Hampton Roads is home to: 

The Port of Hampton Roads

This port is the 3rd largest east coast port, with channels reaching 50 feet in depth and year-long freedom from ice. The port can accommodate ships of all sizes and purposes, from the largest of container ships to the cruise ships that dock at the Norfolk’s Celebration Cruise Terminals Currently, the port conducts business with over 300 different ports in more than 100 countries and moves over 48 million metric tons of cargo.


Government Installations and/or Agencies:

•     NATO Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), Norfolk, VA

•     NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA

•    NOAA: East Coast Fleet Operations, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Weather Service Forecast Office; Norfolk, Chesapeake, and Wakefield, VA 

•     Navy: Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and the country's largest fleet concentration area

•     US Coast Guard Commander, Atlantic Area, Portsmouth, VA

•     US Coast Guard Command,Control and Communications Engineering Center, Portsmouth, VA

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