Old Dominion University, as the Host University for OCEANS 2012, encourages colleges and universities to exhibit their oceans-related capabilities and to sponsor their students and faculty to attend. With an expected attendance of 2,500 and exhibits from more than 100 marine-related companies, plus state and federal entities, Oceans 2012 will provide unique opportunities for universities to showcase their research and educational activities in coastal engineering, marine sciences, ocean observing, and marine technologies.
Coastal Inundation and Sea Level Rise will be a key local theme of Oceans 2012. We invite you to highlight your institution’s innovative research and engineering solutions for this and other important ocean-related issues.
Oceans 2012 will provide especially valuable opportunities for your students:
Please join ODU in the University Row in the Exhibit Hall by reserving a booth today! Each College/University will be granted a discounted rate of $2,600 per booth, plus receive two full-conference registrations valued at $1,200.