Hi to All,

OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Hampton Roads Exhibitor

Bulletin #2

1. Final Program Listing - This year, you will be inputting your program listings through the exhibitor registration website along with your exhibitor registration.

Please make sure you input your listing as soon as you can. Your listings are due by August 31st so even if you aren't ready to do your registration, please go online and fill in the Profile information.

You received an email from me with your passcode to get into the registration module. If you cannot find it, shoot me a quick email and I will resend it.

2. Exhibitor Registration - See above. If you can't find your passcode, please let me know and I will resend it.

3. Hotel Room Reservations - The Hotel Link for the Hotel participating with OCEANS 2012  is up and accepting hotel reservations.

The Hilton Virginia Beach is our main hotel but there are several other very nice properties. There will be a shuttle bus from most hotels to the convention center. The Doubletree Hotel is adjacent to the Convention Center and walking distance. Parking is free at the Convention Center.

You can access the hotel link from the OCEANS 2012 website at:


or by clicking


4. Exhibitor Kits - Here is the link to the Exhibitor Kit. https://ordering.ges.com/083002403

It will also be posted on the website this weekend. The official contractor for the show is GES. If you have any special design needs other than the standard orders, let me know and I will forward you to my GES contact.

5. Exhibit Hours - the hours for set up, exhibits and tear down are as follows:

Monday, 10/15 - set up - 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, 10/16 - Exhibits open - 10:00 am - 6:30 pm (includes Exhibitor Reception in Exhibit Hall)
Wednesday, 10/17 - Exhibits Open - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, 10/18 - Exhibits Open - 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Thursday, 10/18 - Tear down to begin at the end of the PM Break - 3:30 

6. Patron Opportunities - We still have many good patron opportunities available. Take a look at the Patron section on the website at www.

oceans12mtsieeehamptonroads.org for more information.

I am looking forward to working with all of you on this year's OCEANS and please contact me if you have any questions.

Sue Kingston
OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Hampton Roads
1514 First St. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Ph: (310) 937-1006/ Cell: (310) 699-2609
Fax: (310) 356-3545/ Email: s.kingston@ieee.org


OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Hampton Roads Exhibitor

Bulletin #1

Hi to All,

This is the first of several Exhibit Bulletins you will be receiving from me between now and the conference in October. Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions you may have.

1. Hotel Room Reservations
The Hotel Link for the Hotel participating with OCEANS 2012  is up and accepting hotel reservations.
The Hilton Virginia Beach is our main hotel but there are several other very nice properties. There will be a shuttle bus from most hotels to the convention center. The Doubletree Hotel is adjacent to the Convention Center and walking distance. Parking is free at the Convention Center. 

You can access the hotel link from the OCEANS 2012 website at www.oceans12mtsieeehamptonroads.org or by clicking http://www.cvent.com/d/0cq19q/4W

2. Exhibitor Kits - the Exhibitor Kit will be emailed to you Mid July in pdf. It will also be posted on the website after that. The official contractor for the show is GES. If you have any special design needs other than the standard orders, let me know and I will forward you to my GES contact.

3. Exhibit Hours - the hours for set up, exhibits and tear down are as follows:

Monday, 10/15 - set up - 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday, 10/16 - Exhibits open - 10:00 am - 6:30 pm (includes Exhibitor Reception in Exhibit Hall)
Wednesday, 10/17 - Exhibits Open - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday, 10/18 - Exhibits Open - 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Thursday, 10/18 - Tear down to begin at the end of the PM Break - 3:30 pm

4. Exhibitor Registration -You will all receive an email soon from info@
oceans12mtsieeehamptonroads.org. This email has your exhibitor code which you will need to access your exhibitor registration. Complete instructions are on the email however, yell with questions.

5. Final Program Listing - This year, you will be inputting your program listings through the exhibitor registration website along with your exhibitor registration. Please make sure you input your listing.

Your listings are due by August 31st so even if you aren't ready to do your registration, please go online and fill in the Profile information

6. Patron Opportunities - We still have many good patron opportunities available. Take a look at the Patron section on the website at www.
oceans12mtsieeehamptonroads.org for more information.

I am looking forward to working with all of you on this year's OCEANS and please contact me if you have any questions.
































© 2012 OCEANS'12 MTS/IEEE HAMPTON ROADS -- All Rights Reserved. BluStreak Design